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Orange Line Metro train operates solar

Beijing -- The first urban railway system Orange Line Metro Train (OLMT) will be solarized in Lahore to save more than Rs 1.9 billion annually spent on full ope-rationalization of the metro train. Co.

The Punjab Mass Transit Authority (PMAT) is running OLMT since the train was handed over to the Chinese State Railway Group (CR) and China North Industries Corporation (NorINCO) in 2020 to the Chinese contractor CR-Noorinco. 

In an interview, PMAT general manager (Operation) Azir Shah said that electrical with the solar system is essential to OLMT as the cost per unit of electricity is between rupees. Rs 18 to 21, which is not viable for running the entire OLMT function for more time.

He added that many conceptual plans for the solar train for the metro train are keeping in mind their qualities and flaws.

"One of the projects is to build a solar plant with a 50mg or 70mg capacity. Solar plant activates the input to -out method via welink to power up to OLMT instead of using traditional power devices Will, "he said.

After OLMT is operational, the total number of rides has exceeded 20 million. It has achieved advanced operating international standards with 90,000 train trips, which has a total distance of 12 million kilometers, travel efficiency is 99.9% and time restriction rate is 99.9%. The Orange Line Metro Railway Project has 26 stations and the track is more than 27 km long.

In addition, the travel capacity of the citizens improved a lot and the entire route journey was reduced from 2.5 hours to only 45 minutes. In addition, the Orange Line operation is playing its part in reducing the use of old cars within the city, reducing gas emissions, improving environmental pollution and promoting the city's green and sustainable development.

The Orange Line Metro operates with all electrical energy to achieve zero pollution and zero emissions. It is estimated that the annual fuel emissions of gases will decrease by 30,000 tonnes.

There is a project under OLMT CPEC. The project agreement was signed in April 2015, which has a great deal of importance for both China and Pakistan.
