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Second Pig Heart Transplant Recipient Passes Away Six Weeks After Surgery

Second Pig Heart Transplant Recipient Passes Away Six Weeks After Surgery

This week, the world's second recipient of a pig heart transplant sadly passed away nearly six weeks after the groundbreaking surgery. Lawrence Faucette, a 58-year-old suffering from terminal heart disease, underwent the pioneering transplant on September 20, but he tragically passed away on October 30.

The surgery, led by surgeon Bartley Griffith at the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore, was a significant milestone in the field of xenotransplantation, which aims to address the persistent shortage of human organs for transplantation. Both Faucette and the previous recipient, David Bennett, were ineligible for conventional human organ transplants due to their advanced heart conditions. Their surgeries involved hearts from genetically modified pigs, specially engineered to improve compatibility with the human body.

Lawrence Faucette, a dedicated scientist and former Navy veteran, had hoped for more time with his family and had been actively undergoing physical therapy to regain mobility post-surgery. His wife, Ann Faucette, praised his selflessness and determination to contribute to the advancement of medical science.

The program's scientific program director, Muhammad Mohiuddin, has pledged to conduct a thorough analysis to prevent potential complications in future transplants, building on their prior experience with David Bennett Sr., the first pig heart transplant recipient.

As the waitlist for organ transplants in the US continues to grow, innovative solutions like xenotransplantation are becoming increasingly vital. Currently, kidneys top the list of the most sought-after organs, with new patients being added to the waitlist every ten minutes.

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