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Today's Currency rates in Pakistan

Today's Currency rates in Pakistan

top currency rates portal provides you with date open market currency rates of Pakistan. Currency exchange rates in Pakistan's open market are not quite same as interbank especially dollar rate. Here you can find USD to PKR, EURO to PKR, SAR to PKR, and all other currency rates against PKR. In Pakistan Banks generally charge a higher exchange rate on the currency. We timely update the currency rate on our website especially USD to PKR to give our visitors a good experience. Here you will find open market currency rates history, graphs, charts, and a wide range of information to help you explore the Pakistan Currency Open Market.

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Currency Rate

USD-DD   US Dollar DDUSD-DD277.4281.15chart
USD-TT   US Dollar TTUSD-TT277.4281.15chart


AUD   Australian DollarAUD182.7184.5chart
BHD   Bahrain DinarBHD738.89746.89chart
CAD   Canadian DollarCAD204206.2chart
CNY   China YuanCNY38.538.9chart
DKK   Danish KroneDKK40.0640.46chart
EUR   EuroEUR302305chart
HKD   Hong Kong DollarHKD35.5735.92chart
INR   Indian RupeeINR3.333.44chart
JPY   Japanese YenJPY1.861.94chart
KWD   Kuwaiti DinarKWD903912chart
MYR   Malaysian RinggitMYR58.9259.52chart
NZD   NewZealand $NZD167.02169.02chart
NOK   Norwegians KroneNOK25.3825.68chart
OMR   Omani RiyalOMR721.71729.71chart
QAR   Qatari RiyalQAR76.4877.18chart
SAR   Saudi RiyalSAR73.374.05chart
SGD   Singapore DollarSGD206208chart
SEK   Swedish KoronaSEK25.7226.02chart
CHF   Swiss FrancCHF308.43310.93chart
THB   Thai BhatTHB7.617.76chart
AED   U.A.E DirhamAED75.476.15chart
GBP   UK Pound SterlingGBP352356chart
USD   US DollarUSD277.5281chart


Dmtn1.com is neither a currency exchange company nor is affiliated with any money exchange dealer so we don't offer any type of currency trading or money transfer facility. Dmtn1.com maintains accuracy by timely updating Pakistan Open Market dollar rates received from various authentic sources for the interest of public. However, these are only indicative open market rates, as currency rates keep changing from minute to minute. We quickly update currency rates especially Dollar rate in USD to PKR to give Dmtn1.com visitors a good experience. Dmtn1.com also offers an Open Market Dollar Rate to some Pakistan News websites. Dmtn1.com is not responsible or liable whatsoever for any transactions made based on the above Open Market rates.


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